Reasons to Consider a Root Canal

Root Canal Chesapeake, VA

A root canal treatment can restore a severely decayed or damaged tooth. This invasive procedure can help improve your dental health. Knowing why you need this treatment can motivate you to schedule an appointment soon. Here are the reasons to consider a root canal treatment.

To treat severe infection

Gum disease, decay, or dental damage can lead to dental infection. The usual target is the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. Bacteria can reach the pulp and cause more chaos. This can cause severe pain that will need a root canal right away.

To correct dental decay

Decay starts at the top layer, which is the enamel. It then develops deeper into the dentin and, finally, the pulp. Following proper oral care practices every day can be difficult because of busy schedules and demanding lifestyles. At first, the dentist may still repair the damage with fillings or dental bonding. But if the damage worsens and reaches the pulp, the dentist will recommend a root canal to salvage the dental structure.

To resolve crown issues

Placing a dental crown over a decayed tooth may protect the tooth for a long time if the patient cares for and maintains it well. A crown can also last for many years without problems. However, sometimes, crowns fail to protect the underlying teeth. Bacteria may reach the pulp and cause pain. This situation will need a root canal.

To prevent the spread of infection

Research shows that an infected or damaged pulp breaks down. This encourages the proliferation of bacteria in the chamber. This often results in swelling, gum infections, and bone loss. A dental abscess may also develop. This condition can spread the infection beyond the dental roots. The dentist will perform a root canal to prevent bacteria from reaching the other parts of the mouth.

To treat a filling problem

Dental fillings can treat minor cavities. But even with this restoration, performing dental care practices may not go so well. This can lead to the worsening of the decay. The damage can then reach the pulp. Treating the tooth with a root canal can prevent the infection from reaching the jawbone and other teeth.

To prevent more infection from chronic pulpitis

Studies show that a tooth weakens each time it receives a filling. This can result in chronic pulpitis, which occurs when bacteria finally get into the pulp. The pulp could die later as the old fillings deteriorate. Bacteria could finally settle inside the pulp chamber and take over. A root canal treatment can remove the bacteria and infected pulp.

To restore a cracked tooth

Eating hard food, teeth grinding, and other damaging activities can result in dental cracks and fractures. The dentist will assess the damage if it has reached the pulp. If it has, a root canal treatment will remove the damaged or infected pulp. Filling the pulp chamber with gutta-percha will stabilize the dental structure. Placing a custom crown will strengthen and protect it.

Your dentist will determine if you need a root canal to restore your tooth

Dental damage or infection can happen at any time. This can cause pain that can be distracting and frustrating. Seeing your dentist can resolve the problem by providing a root canal treatment. This will enable you to keep your tooth for a longer time. Working with your dentist will allow you to adjust well with your new restorations.

Request an appointment here: or call Safe Harbor Dental at (757) 333-0087 for an appointment in our Chesapeake office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Root Canal Treatment in Chesapeake, VA.

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