Visit an Emergency Dentist for a Broken Tooth

Emergency Dentist Chesapeake, VA

An emergency dentist is indispensable. You can never know when a dental emergency, such as a broken tooth, will happen. Panic may overwhelm you, but it should not. One of the most common dental emergencies is a broken tooth. If you want to see an emergency dentist for your broken tooth, here are the things you should expect.


The emergency dentist must first examine the tooth and the rest of the mouth. This assessment will tell the dentist what other issues need tending. The emergency dentist must determine the root cause of the pain and swelling. There might be another source of discomfort. The emergency dentist will be thorough in determining the extent of damage to the tooth. Breakage might have extended to the area below the gum and even reached the bone.

The patient will need dental X-rays. This diagnostic exam will clarify what kind of injury the patient has. It will give the dentist an idea of what treatment the patient needs. The X-ray results also provide an accurate map of the damage.

Relief of pain

Patients should describe their pain as clearly as possible. After the examination, the emergency dentist will work on the source of pain by giving pain medications and antibiotics. Patients should remember that medications usually take a while to start working. So, they may not feel relief right away.

Quick treatment

Pain will be the first thing that the emergency dentist will address. Even if the pain goes away, it does not mean that the root of the problem is gone. The main cause of the problem may take a few more appointments to treat. Patients get only a temporary solution during the emergency visit. The emergency dentist will try to repair the tooth. If the dentist cannot save it, then the patient will have an emergency dental extraction.

An emergency dentist can perform some emergency procedures that could save the tooth. If a large part of the tooth broke off, the dentist can use a dental crown to save it. The crown will protect the broken tooth from future infection and injury. Dental bonding can repair and restore the broken tooth. The patient should have another dental bonding procedure after a few years or so.

A broken tooth can remain superficial. It can also extend to the dentin and pulp. If this is the case, the emergency dentist will perform a root canal treatment. After cleaning out the tooth, the dentist will fill the space with supportive filling to keep the tooth intact and strong. Then, the emergency dentist will place a crown over the tooth. This will protect and save the tooth.

Tooth extraction is also an option. If the damage of the tooth reaches the gum and bone areas, the tooth will not be treatable anymore. The emergency dentist has to extract the tooth. Then, a dental implant will follow in the next dental appointment.

Your broken tooth can receive immediate treatment from an emergency dentist

A broken tooth can happen at any time. That is why an emergency dentist is indispensable. An emergency dentist will address pain and infection first. Other problems can follow during the next dental appointments. Inquiring about the emergency dentist near you can orient you about the emergency treatments available.

Are you considering consulting an emergency dentist in the Chesapeake area? Get more information at

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Emergency Dentist in Chesapeake, VA.

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